Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Still ailing. It's a sad, sad, world

I have not stepped out of my apartment in two solid days. I'm LONELY and GRUMPY and FEELING SORRY FOR MYSELF. Waaaaah! I have a chest cold. That's why I have no new photos to post, so am posting a cheery one from the Cinque Terre. I love my apartment and couch and laptop, but I am feeling as if I'm morphing into my apartment and couch and laptop. Am I allowed to vent on this blog? VENT! VENT! VENT! HARUMPH.

Okay. Got that out of my system a little. Now I am going to lie in bed and do the New York Magazine crossword puzzle, which makes me feel smart, because I can finish it every time. Crossword puzzles are good for insomnia (which I may have, since I've done nothing but lie around for several days) because they focus your attention but don't engage you enough to stimulate you--at least, that's what they do for me.

Buona notte amici. I hope you are all having better nights than I.

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