Friday, February 1, 2008

Subway serendipity

A colleague at work installed a google analytics thingie that lets me monitor traffic to this blog--about 10 to 20 of you are reading it a day--around 300 a month. Kind of mind boggling. So...COMMENT DAMMIT! I want to know who is out there, people! (I'm asking this in the nicest possible way.) Does anyone have any great suggestions for publicizing my book? I'm afraid of this whole part of the book process, for some reason. But I'm starting to realize that maybe it's simply that I am afraid to jump in and enjoy it--that I don't think I deserve any positive publicity. And I'm realizing that I don't feel that way--that I think women will think this book is fun and (hopefully) speaks to them, and reassures them and surprises them. That would be nice, and it's possible it will happen!

Life is good.
Talk about a serendipitous New York City moment: Yesterday, coming home from work on the 2/3 train from Times Square to 96th St., the train stops dead at 72nd St. It's an unpleasant, crowded ride (I had a bit of a run-in with a guy who was blocking the entrance), then, suddenly, I heard two little boys talking, and I thought, "those boys sound the same age as Jordan and Caleb." Then I dismissed the thought, then happened to turn around and found myself face-to-face with Caleb. He was like: PAULA! And I said, at the same time, CALEB! Then I spotted Jordan and Denise, their long-time baby sitter. Then the electrical grid went dead and we were all stuck in the train together for a half hour and we had a really nice, pleasant visit--it was the nicest subway delay I've ever had.

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