No, not THAT Wesley Clark. Wes burst onto the scene on April 29th, with a car and a lust for criss-crossing the country in a borrowed car. After 5 solid days of solitude it was great--we had an amazing first day, driving down the northwest coast of the island, stopping at Bosa, a sweet river town (photos above), then stopping at a small but beautiful beach for a swim and a picnic (a highlight of the day for me), then making our way south to Phoenician ruins at Tharros, on the sea. Some striking columns but otherwise, it was hard to get a sense of what I was seeing. Then took a train to Cagliari (pronounced kai-yar-ee, with the accent on the first syllable). Saw a very solemn saints festival, with costumed marching, rosary-praying, festooned horses and rose petals in the street. Then back to the village Cuglieri, which had a very picturesque cathedral on a hill surrounded by more hills, (see above) where we had dinner at a local restaurant with no menu; they simply brought out plates and plates of food, starting with boar salami, proscuitto, local cheese, lots of game, local pasta, etc., etc., etc. It was a real meal from the "interior" of the island--no seafood--so was interesting to experience. Then, the next morning, Wes kindly took me all the way back to Alghero so I could make my way to Rome. Wes was great company--he kind of knows everything about everything--and is a great traveler, so I just sat back and let myself be taken care of a bit, which was nice after taking care of myself for most of the last week.
Enjoy the snaps!
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