Wednesday, May 21, 2008


So, the book is spinning along. I've finished the revision, am waiting for the copy edit, and am now concerned with things like sending out manuscripts to editors to consider for excerption (SELF and MORE have bought essays so far) and what photo to use for my jacket cover! I thought I had the one I wanted--a photo taken by a SELF photographer for the magazine--but when our photo editor called him and asked him if I could have the rights, he said he didn't think I should use that picture--that it was too old (two years) and that he should take a new photo of me. But if I were to hire him, it would cost at least $400 bucks (of my own money) so I'm not inclined to do that. Plus, I like the photo (the one of me in Central Park, above). If I had my preference, I'd pick the second photo, in which I look kind of sexy because I'm semi-reclining, and totally open and relaxed, but it has nothing to do with sex--I'm holding my friend Pam's baby, and there's nothing like the feeling of holding an infant. It feels goooooood! All the hormones and instincts kick in or something. (Kind of like sex!)

So, SELF's photo editor relayed this to me at our director's dinner this evening--when you reach the position of "director" at SELF, you get to go to periodic very nice dinners where they give you nice little gifts and we play games to see how well we know our colleagues (tonight's was If I could be any TV character, it would be....I said Lori Partridge!)--wherein I discovered that the photo editor was in fact also a photographer and she offered to shoot me for free--all I'd have to do is get my hair and makeup done. So, I may take her up on that. Meanwhile, do any of the photos above seem appropriate for an author's photo? Do I really have to go through this mishigas?! (That's Yiddish for trouble, for my Italian friends who read this blog).

Buona notte amici!

1 comment:

Blueeyes said...

I like the second one a lot, and I also like the similar one on the side. So what if you weren't actually having sex at the time, you look sexy. And what do you mean a baby has nothing to do with sex? How do you think that child got there?

But, go get your new picture taken -- if you don't like it, you don't have to use it!