Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I must be back in my ordinary routine...

because I have very little to blog about today. Does this mean my post-trip happiness is wearing off? It has been a week and two days since my return. I don't feel quite as elated. Is there a way to hold on to this open, expansive, optimistic feeling I have? Is it possible to have that feeling in everyday life? I need to be able to distill the things that felt best about the trip and tap into those habits here. More easy-goingness. Less scheduling. More alone time. More exercise. More art. Better food. Healthier food. Looking at the world with fresh eyes (the way you do when you live in a new place). I can do those things! Now, if only I could sleep til 10 every day and go to bed at 2 am. On a positive note: I got to tuck my nephews in tonight! None of THAT in Italy.
Buona notte!

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