Friday, December 14, 2007

A poet is born

My nephew, Jordan, (on the left) wrote this beautiful poem for an assignment at school on identity. All I can say is, it gave me chills. Then again, I'm the ultra prejudiced aunt.

I Am From the Stars
I am from staying up late and watching the stars dancing in my eyes. I am from the trout at the end of the fishing line. I am from the arrows thumping into the target.

I am from stepping outside and being in my own playground. I am from sitting in a hammock and going to sleep. I am from the rain coming down and stinging the grass. I am from my grandpa telling me that with 5 cents you could buy 2 comic books, one shake and two gum balls.

I am from those good fast food restaurants. I am from hearing the construction on the 20-story buildings. I am from hearing the subway cars go by.

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