Sunday, March 4, 2007

Blogging virgin jumps in head first

Hi all--
At the risk of exposing myself in more ways, than one, I thought I'd jump into this brave new world as I get ready to go off to Rome and live the temporary expat life. Who, after all, wouldn't want to hear of a 43 year old woman's adventures ordering cappucino, searching for the best pizza, soaking in the light and, of course, working on her first book. That book will be published by Bantam in '08 and is called Behind the Bedroom Door, an anthology of essays by women about sex in real life (as opposed to what we see on TV and the movies and on, well, blogs). More on my foray into the publishing world land the terrific writers involved, later. (check out the contributors so far, below.)


MP Dunleavey said...

hey blogging virgin! i think a lot of people are going to want to hear about your avventura italiana--especially because it will feature ongoing updates about your sexy book. all you need to do is throw in a few descriptions of the tuscan countryside and your favorite bottles of wine and you'll have a captive audience. and maybe another book!

Wine Apprentice said...

I can't wait to live vicariously through you and your Roman holiday!

I will need to hear all about the fabulous food, wine, and countryside.