Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The break up diet

There's one good thing about getting over a break up, I've discovered. Whenever I want to turn to a pint of ice cream for comfort, I remind myself: "You're going to be getting out there again, and it's going to be even more hellacious if you're not feeling confident about your body." So I keep on, skipping the pints (for the most part) and eating more sushi than I've downed in a very, very long time, to make dating re-entry, whenever it occurs, as painless and tear-free as possible. The infatuation diet is a lot more fun (that's when I'm so head over heels that I can't eat--a rare occurrence) but the breakup diet, I'm finding, is more effective and long-lasting. Does that means hurt and grief last longer than being ga-ga over a guy? Maybe just for me.

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